Beginners Nights Working Group
Zoom Meeting. Attendees- Jim Glynn, Stephen Sweeting, Brian Gillespie, Alan McNeish and William Niven. Willie Hiddleston – on holiday.
Dates to be confirmed tomorrow 17th/24th September. 1st/8th October. Jim will contact the sub group members when he receives this from Mrs Price.
Agreed that the Tuesday session will run from 6.30 pm to 7.30 pm. Not a lot of time was a comment passed can reconsider this next time we meet dependant on what programme can be put together.
Programme – Alan and William will start to put something on paper to be reviewed by the rest of the group. We all agreed to try to keep it basic to begin with and also to have written material that people can take away. Action – William and Alan to put introductory session together for sub group to discuss next meeting.
Publicity- Agreed that Stephen would take the lead on this and we would have to get material out there as soon as possible. Stephen is looking to create an “eye catching” A4 poster and get a number printed in order that we can distribute. This will see Stephen and Brian liaising about the various places to distribute these including, shops, libraries and other outlets. Discussed putting a phone number on it and Brian has kindly offered a pay as you go phone that we can put a £20 sim in and use as the contact phone for interested parties to discuss the scheme.
Equipment – Agreed that we would provide cameras on the night if someone came along without one to let them see what different cameras achieved. That will include, phone, compact and DSLRs.
New Club Members- Try to encourage new members without much experience to come along to the sessions.
Next Meeting Zoom 25th July 7pm 30 minutes Review of Actions
7th July Zoom Meeting
Zoom Meeting. Attendees- Jim Glynn, Stephen Sweeting, Brian Gillespie, Alan McNeish, William Niven and Willie Hiddleston.
Dates have been confirmed by Ana Price. Dates are 17,24 September and 1,8 October.
Consensus that the time discussed last week was not adequate. Decided to run from 7.00 pm to 8.30 pm.
Both Alan and William had prepared material which was shared with the group. Seen as a good start for progressing a programme for those attending. Agreed that we would have material printed off and available for those attending to take away.
Steven has produced an A4 poster which he has printed off copies that will be passed to other members of the group to distribute in their areas. Telephone is now up and running thanks to Brian Gillespie for providing the phone. The monies for the sim card to be reimbursed by the club. Steve is happy to hold and answer any questions by people phoning the club phone.
Still to be arranged will review at next meeting of the group. Inventory check going to be undertaken following upcoming committee meeting .
No review date set as yet