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AGM 2024-25

Abbey Camera Club


Chair                            Secretary                     Treasurer

                                    Eunice Laidlaw            Willie Hiddleston






Minutes of AGM Meeting Held on Wednesday 15th May 2024


Since we do not have a chairman at present Willie opened the meeting and welcomed everyone.


Apologies from Mary Mackie; Alan McNeish; Keith Walker and Paul and Kath Malner.


The minutes from the 2023 AGM were read and accepted as a true minute, proposed by Brian Gillespie and seconded by Joan Smith.


Willie, of the top of his head, went through a review of the year mentioning the various activities and visits that members’ enjoyed, and especially the accolade of coming second in the 3-way competition with few points between the three clubs.


Treasurers report was handed round and explained.  The accounts were examined and signed off by Craig McEwen.  The Bank balance on 31st March was £1,514.14 and cash in hand 25p – this is £358.83 up on last year.  We pay the hall rent up front at the start of the session and Willie thinks it will stay the same for next year.  Membership has dropped a little, but hopefully we can welcome some new members.


Election of Office Bearers.

Chair.  After much discussion Bob Brown agreed to take on the post and this was Proposed by Willie Hiddleston and Seconded by Joan Smith.


Treasurer.  Willie Hiddleston has agreed to stay in the post, and it was Proposed by Jim Glynn and Seconded by Brian Gillespie.


Secretary.  Eunice agreed to stay in the post, and it was Proposed by Brian Gillespie and Seconded by Joan Smith.




Competition Co-ordinator.  Jim Glynn has agreed to take this post and it was Proposed by Willie Hiddleston and Seconded by Bob Brown.


Alistair Bertram proposed Steve Sweeting as a deputy Chair.  

Willie Proposed that Sara Weightman comes on as a committee member and this was Seconded by Joan Smith.


The committee now stands as: -

Chair – Bob Brown

Secretary – Eunice Laidlaw

Treasurer – Willie Hiddleston

Webmaster – 

Competition Co-ordinator – Jim Glynn

Deputy Chair – Steve Sweeting

Stephanie Lavell

William Niven

Brian Gillespie

Sara Weightman


Duncan Souter mentioned that communication between committee and members has not been great, and he suggests a regular bulletin to keep everyone informed.  It was also suggested that a What’s App group be set up and Sara has agreed to do that.



The 3-way images to be posted on the website and Eunice will get them to Alastair.


This is our last night in for the session and we will visit various locations over the summer months, weather permitting.  Next week, Wednesday 22nd May, we plan to visit Moffat and the following week, Wednesday 29thMay will be a visit to Kirkcudbright.  The committee is to meet on Tuesday 28th May to organise the rest of the summer visits, and possibly some day outings.


Duncan suggested that we do the Safari in groups and in the summer.



It had been suggested that we still have three images for the competitions but that one is themed and two are open.  Duncan suggested that we call a theme nature as opposed to Wildlife.  It was decided to leave the scoring as 1st, 2nd and 3rd, commended and highly commended.


Duncan suggests the following points be awarded for the trophies – 5 points for 1st; 4 for 2nd; 3 for 3rd; 2 for HC and 2 for C.


Willie suggested we do not hand out trophies this year and start afresh next year.


Steph won the bonus ball – 4 weeks.


Steve then took the floor to talk about the pop-up shop which is to be Thursday 23rd, Friday 24th and Saturday 25th May.  Images are asked for from members, mounted, so we can have an exhibition to show case the work of members and they can sell them if they want.  Posters have been printed and will be displayed in various places.  Also, sharing on Facebook is a good idea.  Volunteers are still sought after and the shop will be open from 10 am to 4 pm, please get in touch with Eunice, Willie or Steve if you can cover a morning, afternoon or all day.


Portraits will be available to be photographed and the cost will be £25.00 for 3 – 5x7 and 1 – 8x10 image.  It was thought that the same person and camera would be best for consistency.


Steve plans to provide the printer and he will be paid for each image printed.


We plan to have a tombola and donations are asked for.  Also, books, bric a brac or anything you want to sell for either club funds or your funds.


Brian has agreed to borrow tables and chairs from his church.


There being no further business the meeting closed, and we look forward to the summer outings and the new session in September.




EGM 2024-25

Abbey Camera Club


Chair                            Secretary                     Treasurer

                                    Eunice Laidlaw            Willie Hiddleston




Minutes of EGM Meeting Held on Wednesday 19th June 2024


Since we do not have a chairman at present Willie opened the meeting and welcomed everyone.



Jim Glynn; Walter Duncan; Willie Hiddleston; Brian Gillespie; Sara Wightman; Colin Thomson; Stephanie Lavell; Joan Smith; James Sauberlich; Alastair Ker; Bob Brown; Lyndon Scholes; Steve Sweeting; Elaine Murray-Bell; Jim Murray-Bell; Alister Bertram; Alan McNish; Eunice Laidlaw; Steven Lenza.


Apologies from Keith Walker; Paul and Kath Malner, Duncan Souter and William Niven.


The minutes from the 2024 AGM had been distributed to all members.


Proposed changes to the constitution.

It is proposed that we remove the posts of Fund Raiser and re-instate the post of vice Chairman.

 Proposed by Brian Gillespie and seconded by Joan Smith.


Jim Glynn, Steven Lenza and Walter Duncan joined the meeting.


Jim Glynn raised the issue of alteration of the constitution and Willie Hiddleston felt that we had consulted by informing members through the notification on the EGM invite. If they chose not to attend, they forfeited the right to vote. (This will be checked against the club’s Constitution)


Adoption of Chairman. Nominations were sought and Jim Glynn offered to stand.

Proposed by Brian Gillespie and seconded by Sara Wightman. He was elected to stand as Chair for the forthcoming year.


Adoption of vice-Chairman. Steven Sweeting offered to stand.

Proposed by Willie Hiddleston and seconded by Joan Smith. He was elected to stand as Vice Chair for the forthcoming year.



Robert Brown was nominated for the committee by Jim Glynn and Seconded by Elaine Murray-Bell.


The rest of the committee stands as declared in the 2024 AGM minutes.


The committee now stands as.


Chairman                                Jim Glynn

Vice Chairman                         Steve Sweeting

Secretary                                Eunice Laidlaw

Treasurer                                Willie Hiddleston

Competition Secretary              Jim Glynn

Webmaster                             Alastair Kerr


Committee members.

Stephanie Lavell

William Niven

Robert Brown

Brian Gillespie

Sara Wightman


Syllabus 2024/25


Jim Glynn has drawn up a proposed syllabus and handed round copies.  He talked us through it and asked that members give any feedback they have on it. As it stands it is in draft format and all members will be given the opportunity to comment.


We have a number of club members who have volunteered to undertake presentations covering a number of interests. 


We are also looking to introduce a review evening following on from the previous week’s judging. This would offer an opportunity as a group to reflect on the judge’s comments and draw suggestions as to how authors’ may enhance their images. 


Jim Glynn also raised that it had come to attention that certain judges had been challenged by the audience at the 3-way competition. Whilst we may disagree with what the judge has to say they are the final arbiter and we should respect their comments. 


Steve Sweeting raised the issue he had with a judge at the annual print competition when he questioned the framing/border size as opposed to the image. He felt that we should ask judges beforehand if there were particular issues that they may have with the way images were presented. Jim Glynn volunteered to take this on when making the final judging panel up.



Action: Jim Glynn to email all members seeking their views on the syllabus and asking for any suggestions that members would like to incorporate in to this year’s syllabus.






There will be five Projected Digital Image (PDI) competitions this forthcoming Winter Season.

These will comprise of three sections, Colour, Monochrome and a set Theme. 


Members can submit images in any combination they wish and the Colour and Monochrome sections will be open.


Competitions will be awarded 1st, 2nd, 3rd, Commended and Highly Commended by the judges. Whilst, there will be no formalised league on show we shall award points from 5 to 1 for each section.  This will be used to determine the club’s awards at the end of season. 


For 2022/23 session trophies will only be awarded for the Chairs Challenge and Annual Print competitions.  Next session we will look at awarding trophies we already have – starting afresh.


Jim also proposed having small prizes for certain inhouse competitions.


Summer season photographs.

On 18th September members who enjoyed the summer season shoots are asked to submit one colour and one monochrome image from shoots and they will be critiqued by members present.  These will be scored, and a summer competition winner will be selected.


Jim and Steven Lenza have talked about putting together an AV presentation, showing how to add images and music.


It had been proposed at the AGM we hold a beginner’s workshop on a different night from club night, Tuesday, and it would last no more that 1 hour.  This would be to encourage new members. A number of members volunteered to give their time to this project, Alan McNeish, Brian Gillespie, Willie Hiddleston and Jim Glynn.


A poster is to be put in the Loreburn Centre and dates would be last two weeks of August and first two weeks of September. 


There would be a small charge to cover the rent of the hall and Alister Bertram proposed putting this charge onto the subs and making the workshop Free which might help encourage people to come along.  The sub at the moment is £40.00 per person and it was decided to add £2.00 per person, making the sub £42.00 per person.



This can be discussed at review nights – venues, themes etc.


Pop up Shop in Loreburn Centre.

Steve reported that there has been a lot of good feedback from the display of images during and after the pop-up shop.  The manager asked if we would like to have a unit later in the year and it was thought we could do it for 1 day only, a Saturday, in the lead up to Christmas.  He had also mentioned some members doing photos for the Christmas activities in the Loreburn centre and this will be considered later on.


Stevie suggested that we have a logo and members said we already have the camera logo.  Alan suggested asking college students to get involved and Brian thought William could design one.

Action – To review current logo and seek membership on their views as to whether it is fit for purpose.


Irvine walkabout.

Irvine camera club have offered to take us on a walkabout in Irvine with refreshments being available in the Puffers café.  Members can double up in cars where possible and this will be arranged nearer the time.


There being no further business the meeting closed.























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