Abbey Camera Club Constitution
Abbey Camera Club
c/o St Andrews Church Hall
Brooke Street
Club Secretary - (by Club email/website)
E-Mail Address - abbeycameraclub@yahoo.co.uk
Website address - abbeycameraclub.com
To form a meeting place for members.
Create a stimulating friendly and educational environment.
Be socially inclusive.
Encourage and promote the art and science of photography.
To produce images.
To work in partnership with other groups.
To access funding in the interests of the above objectives.
Membership of the Club shall be open to all.
Members must share the same objectives as the Club.
There shall be one category of membership.
Each member will be eligible to vote.
There will be an annual membership fee. Non-members may attend 2 Club meetings before being required to subscribe.
Membership shall run from the beginning of September to the end of August the following year, referred to here as a “session”. New membership payments for the current session received after the 1st February will be given a 50% discount.
Anyone who does not adhere to the objectives of the Club as laid down in Section 3 may be subject to disciplinary action. (Individuals shall have the right to appeal. The full Committee shall hear all appeals).
Members may not participate in any of the Club Competitions unless they have paid the current year’s subscription and any arrears in full.
It is important to note that the eligibility criteria for Projected Digital Images (PDI’s) competitions. Image submission to Club monthly PDI competitions, will have no age limit, except that entries will be ineligible if they have been used more than 5 years ago, in a PAGB or Federation event, irrespective of medium.
Competition rules are published on the Club website and must be adhered to.
It is the responsibility of members to make themselves aware of the competition rules.
A Committee comprising of 7 Office Bearers (Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Webmaster, Distinctions Link**, Competitions Coordinator) plus members shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting from the membership eligible to vote. The Club will define the areas of responsibility for these positions and they shall be published on the Club website as an addendum to the constitution.
The Committee shall have the right to co-opt members who will have full voting rights.
The Committee shall also have the right to co-opt advisory non-members who will have no voting rights, as required.
Vacancies arising during the year may be filled by co-opting in the appropriate category.
** Refer to "Areas of Responsibility"
All members shall pay such subscriptions, annual or otherwise, as the committee may determine.
The Committee will have the power to alter the membership and other fees. Notice will be given to all members of any proposed changes at the A.G.M. and will take effect from the beginning of the new session.
All monies raised on behalf of the Club shall be paid into a bank account in the name of the Club.
Two designated members’ signatures shall be required to withdraw money from the bank account.
A record of all transactions (income and expenditure) will be maintained and audited annually. The financial year will end the 31st March.
Each May, an Annual General Meeting will be called to which all members and any interested people shall be entitled to attend.
The following business shall be transacted
The Chairs Report
The Vice Chair's Report
The Secretary’s Report
The Treasurer’s Report
The Competition’s Secretary Report
The Webmaster's Report
Subscription Charges for the next year
Election of Office Bearers and Committee members for the forthcoming year
Any Other Business
A calling notice shall be issued at least 4 weeks before the appointed date.
The meeting shall be quorate if at least 10 members eligible to vote are present.
If the AGM is inquorate, the business can continue subject to ratification at a rescheduled meeting called in the same way as the AGM. This meeting will be quorate with the members who attend.
The new committee shall also be appointed by eligible members with voting rights. The season will be determined at this meeting.
The committee shall meet as often as deemed necessary but no less than four times a year. A special meeting may be convened at any time by the committee.
A Committee meeting will be quorate with 5 members/office bearers present.
The Office Bearers shall be appointed at the AGM and shall consist of Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer. The Office Bearers will serve for a maximum of three years.
Voting – All questions arising at any meetings shall be decided by a simple majority of those present and entitled to vote thereafter.
In the event of a tied vote the chair will have the casting vote.
Quorum – A quorum shall consist of 5 committee members.
Minutes –The Club Secretary shall prepare agendas for all Committee Meetings and keep minutes of all Committee Meetings to be distributed to Club members via the Club website within ten days of meetings.
No alterations to this constitution shall be valid unless it shall have been passed by at least a two-thirds majority of those present and eligible to vote at an Annual General Meeting or an EGM. An EGM may be called at any time by a quorum of committee members. Providing all members have been notified of the EGM at least 21 days before the meeting is to be held. AGM procedures apply at an EGM.
In the event of dissolution of the Club, any funds and equipment shall be donated to another voluntary Club with an interest in photography.
The persons whose signatures appear on the last page sign on behalf of Abbey Camera Club at the meeting where the constitution was adopted.
Vice Chair
Date ...............................................................................
Place St Andrews Church Hall
August 2024 Ver 2